education as resistance programs & events
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Meet Dan Hennessy

. . . a Holocaust educator-author-activist who's mission to combat the assault on human memory became a matter of personal concern two decades ago while researching a teaching unit on the Holocaust at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. As he spoke with Livia - a survivor of Auschwitz who’d lost seventy-two extended family members in the Shoah - the building was suddenly evacuated due to a bomb threat. He pledged to Livia that from that day, on, he would consider the matter of remembrance of the Holocaust as a personal priority.
Since that day he’s gone on to be trained by the great Holocaust educational institutions of the world, to include staff of the International School of Holocaust Studies-Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, Israel; scholars at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the National Office of the Anti-Defamation League in Washington, D.C., as well as by the internationally known educational organization Facing History & Ourselves. In 2012 he was invited to the Holland & Knight Charitable Trust’s Holocaust Remembrance Project Scholar’s Week in Boston. He’s a recipient of the Meyer A. Nathan Scholarship for Holocaust Education awarded by the Anti-Defamation League and author of the book, Repentance and Remembrance: The Call to Remember and Memorialize the Holocaust,” a book calling the Christian community to account for the past.
It is as a matter of honoring the memory of the victims of the Holocaust that the educational programs he offers be a life-changing experience for everyone involved.